Career Profiles

Paths to leadership are not always straight forward.

Career Paths

Business Types

Bernard Wolford

Bernie Wolford was encouraged to do something technical when he was graduating from high school. He originally decided to pursue Electrical Engineering, but when he saw the description of Industrial Engineering in the catalog, he decided that IE was a better fit for him.

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Bob Cline

Bob Cline comes from a family involved in the mining industry. His family insisted that he study engineering in college.

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Dale Dodrill

When Dale Dodrill came to WVU he didn’t know what Industrial Engineering was even though he was enrolled in the program.

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John Altieri

When John Altieri came to WVU he wasn’t sure what his career path would be. He started in Mining Engineering because his father worked in the industry.

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John Martin

John Martin came from a family of nine children in Webster Springs, WV. Neither parent had gone to college, but all the nine children received degrees. Today, John’s siblings are doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, and social workers.

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Lynn Dagar

Lynn Dagar began her college career thinking she would be a pharmacist. It didn’t take long for her to seek out another career path.

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Michael Leonard

When Mike Leonard was growing up his father had a failing tire retreading business. Mike at that young age realized that efficiency was key to business success.

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Nazih Hage

Nazih Hage is a native of Lebanon. His country was at war when he was ready to go to college.

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Rafael Silva

Rafael Silva was born and raised in Venezuela and had engineering in his DNA. His father is an Electrical Engineer and his uncles are Civil Engineers. Rafael came to America on a tennis scholarship from Freed-Hardeman University, where he studied Physics.

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Ritchie Soos

Ritchie Soos came to WVU with the goal of becoming an Industrial Engineer. He thought he would work in manufacturing, but his career has been totally focused on the healthcare industry.

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